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The Grey School
of Wizardry

The Grey School of Wizardry is an outgrowth of the Grey Council, an assembly of two dozen mages and sages, all of whom inspired the school's curriculum and several of whom continue to serve on its faculty. Grey School faculty members come from a number of different countries and follow many different paths. Although their magickal orientations and perspectives are often unique, they all hope to spark the imagination, beauty, and power of the minds of seekers everywhere. Together, the faculty has brought the best lessons from many of the magickal community's most respected elders and teachers into the Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard (New Page, 2004) and the sequel Companion for the Apprentice Wizard (New Page 2006), both written and compiled by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart.

The Grimoire represented the first phase of a long-range vision to make available the wisdom of the ages for a new generation and a new millennium. It is both an essential handbook of apprentice-level Wizardry and a basic textbook for a full seven-year academic curriculum of Wizardly studies. Thus, its lessons begin simply and become more complex as students advance.

The second phase of the grander vision was the creation of an online School of Wizardry as a larger context for magickal teachings. 

After months of work and preparation, the Grey School of Wizardry opened to students on Lughnasadh (August 1) 2004. Its motto is: Omnia vivunt, omnia inter se conexa ("Everything is alive; everything is interconnected"—Cicero). The Grey School was incorporated as a non-profit Educational Institution in California on March 14, 2004, and on September 27 of 2007, the School received a 501(c)(3) tax exemption from the Internal Revenue Service for charitable and educational purposes. The Grey Council continues to serve as an Advisory Board.

It should be understood that the Grey School is a secular institution of learning, not a religious one. Wizardry is not a religion, and Wizards are not religious functionaries or clerics. Wizardry (literally, "wisdom"), like philosophy ("love of wisdom"), science ("knowledge"), medicine, etc. is a calling or vocation, but not a profession of faith. Historically, Wizards have been found in all cultures, and all religions. Therefore, although some classes address mythology and comparative religions, the Grimoire, Companion, and school philosophy focus on magick rather than spirituality.

The Grey School provides an extensive program of apprentice studies over a full spectrum of Wizardry and Magick. Those who complete a course of study culminating in completion of a Departmental Major are certified as "Journeyman Wizards."

A "Magister" program allows adults to take an unlimited number of classes at the Grey School from all levels without the constraints of the Apprenticeship program. Magisters will not be eligible to receive a Journeyman Certificate, but will be able to enjoy  and participate in many aspects of  Apprentice life at GSW.

In the Grey School, classes are developed and taught by members of the faculty and by occasional guest lecturers. New classes and features are added continually—as of January 2020, more than 500 classes are available! 

Sixteen "colors" of magick have been designated as Grey School "Departments" for Majors and Minors. Each Department is headed by a Dean and includes professors, instructors, and classes. The Departments and the College of Deans are led by the Dean of Curriculum. Other Administrative Deans are the Dean of Faculty, the Dean of Students who over see the faculty and pupils respectively. Heading the Administration is our Provost Nicholas Kingsley with Oberon Zell-Ravenheart  serving as  the Current Headmaster of the School. 

The sixteen Departments and colors are:

1. Wizardry (indigo)
2. Natural Philosophy (silver)
3. Magickal Practice (gold)
4. Psychic Arts (aqua)
5. Healing (blue)
6. Wortcunning (green)
7. Divination (yellow)
8. Performance Magicks (orange)
9. Alchemy & Magickal Sciences (red)
10. Lifeways (rose)
11. Beast Mastery (brown)
12. Cosmology (violet)
13. Mathemagicks (clear)
14. Ceremonial Magick (white)
15. Lore (grey)
16. Dark Arts (black)

Besides its academic focus, those enrolled at Grey School enjoy a interactive magickal community. Youth students (ages 11-17) are sorted into their own Lodge called "The Fellowship of Psyche", while adult students (age 18 and older) are directed into  four Elemental Lodges (Flames, Stones, Waters, and Winds). These compete via academic credits and merit points for the ""Lodge Cup," which is awarded semi-annually at the Equinoxes.

Each Lodge has an elected Prefect to moderate discussions, introduce activities, etc. who also exemplifies academics excellence,  a keen attitude, and  Wizardly enthusiasm. The Apprentice body is further led by the Lodge Captain; selected from the pool of experienced Prefects, the Captain is an esteemed combination of student body president and "Head Boy/Girl." from traditional schooling systems.

The Grey School works via a series of interactive school pages and forums. Clubs are available to those who wish to delve deeper into specific areas of focus. Special forums provide everything from an announcements, to All-School Challenges, to the latest edition of the Apprentice-produced school newspaper, Grey Matters.

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, 
Grey School of Wizardry


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